Welcome to the NupeTank Entrepreneurship Magazine!

With the support of Justin Nash & NupeNetwork, doctoral student Peter Ayala, has created a collaborative environment based on his research. In this social media learning environment, brothers get together to support business development. Those interested in starting businesses will find experienced Kappa business owners to communicate with enabling them to discover ways to become strong successful entrepreneurs. Forums and Video lessons from Brothers and Others are provides to assist entrepreneurial development.

[one_third] [text_box title="Brotherly Focus" icon="custom" custom="http://nupetank.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/NupeTank-50X50logo.png"]Achievement is the goal of business. With assistance from successful business owners, future entrepreneurs can receive the mentorship needed to support success.[/text_box] [/one_third] [one_third] [text_box title="Future Ready" icon="custom" custom="http://nupetank.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/NupeTank-50X50logo.png"]Utilizing the benefits of social media and community of practice theory, this environment is technologically up to date and future ready![/text_box] [/one_third] [one_third_last] [text_box title="International" icon="custom" custom="http://nupetank.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/NupeTank-50X50logo.png"]The NupeTank is intended to promote the spread of Kappa owned business internationally. [/text_box] [/one_third_last] [hr] [one_half] [quote author="Pete Ayala, NupeTank Media Group" image="http://nupetank.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/nupetank-small.jpg" w="108" h="108"]Lucky for me NupeTank works great for my fraternal and business interest. Now I have a fantastic Nup-eneurship source![/quote] [/one_half] [one_half_last] [quote author="Pete Ayala, NupeTank's Design Shop" image="http://nupetank.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/nupetank-small.jpg" w="108" h="108"]I thought I was joining a fraternity, but with NupeTank, I got so much more. It's like someone supercharged Kappa![/quote] [/one_half_last]